Primary Seat Belt Law

Primary Seat Belt Law

North Dakota Seat Belt Law (as of Aug. 1, 2023)

  • All front seat and back seat occupants must be buckled up regardless of age.
  • Children younger than eight years of age are required to ride in a child restraint (car seat or booster seat).

Primary Law Benefits

  • Research shows that states that have primary enforcement have experienced up to a 10-12% increase in their observed seat belt use. (NHTSA)
  • By increasing seat belt use, lives will be saved, and injuries will be prevented on North Dakota roadways.

Why Wear Your Seatbelt?

1. Reduced Risk of Injury and Fatality: Seatbelts are the most effective safety feature in vehicles for preventing serious injuries and fatalities in the event of a crash. They secure occupants in place, preventing them from being ejected from the vehicle or colliding with interior surfaces during a collision.

2. Protection from Secondary Collisions: In a crash, occupants not wearing seatbelts can become projectiles, endangering themselves and others in the vehicle. Seatbelts keep occupants restrained, reducing the risk of secondary collisions with objects or other passengers inside the vehicle.

3. Legal Requirement: Wearing a seatbelt is a legal requirement for all occupants of a vehicle. Failing to wear a seatbelt can result in fines and penalties emphasizing the importance of compliance with seatbelt laws.

4. Airbag Effectiveness: Seatbelts work in conjunction with airbags to provide maximum protection in a crash. Without a seatbelt, the effectiveness of airbags is significantly reduced, as occupants may be thrown out of position or too far from the airbag deployment zone to receive adequate protection.

5. Setting a Positive Example: Wearing a seatbelt sets a positive example for passengers, especially children and teenagers, who may be less inclined to wear seatbelts if they see adults neglecting this safety measure. By consistently wearing seatbelts, you can encourage others to prioritize their safety while traveling in vehicles.

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